RPC Environment (aka RpcEnv) is an environment for RpcEndpoints to process messages. A RPC Environment manages the entire lifecycle of RpcEndpoints:
- registers (sets up) endpoints (by name or uri)
- routes incoming messages to them
- stops them
RpcEndpoints define how to handle messages (what functions to execute given a message). RpcEndpoints register (with a name or uri) to RpcEnv to receive messages from RpcEndpointRefs.
RpcEndpoints 定义了如何处理消息(对指定消息执行指定功能),它向RpcEnv注册并接收来自RpcEndpointRefs的消息
A RpcEndpoint can be registered to one and only one RpcEnv.
The lifecycle of a RpcEndpoint is onStart, receive and onStop in sequence.
receive can be called concurrently.
Tip: If you want receive to be thread-safe, use ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint.
A RpcEndpointRef is a reference for a RpcEndpoint in a RpcEnv.
It is serializable entity and so you can send it over a network or save it for later use (it can however be deserialized using the owning RpcEnv only).
A RpcEndpointRef has an address (a Spark URL), and a name.
You can send asynchronous one-way messages to the corresponding RpcEndpoint using send method.
You can send a semi-synchronous message, i.e. “subscribe” to be notified when a response arrives, using ask method. You can also block the current calling thread for a response using askWithRetry method.
RpcAddress is the logical address for an RPC Environment, with hostname and port.
RpcAddress is encoded as a Spark URL, i.e. spark://host:port.
RpcEndpointAddress is the logical address for an endpoint registered to an RPC Environment, with RpcAddress and name.+
It is in the format of spark://[name]@[rpcAddress.host]:[rpcAddress.port].
Ask Operation Timeout
Ask operation is when a RPC client expects a response to a message. It is a blocking operation.
You can control the time to wait for a response using the following settings (in that order):
Their value can be a number alone (seconds) or any number with time suffix, e.g. 50s, 100ms, or 250us. See Settings.